
Women in Imagery; Then and Now


Above is an image of women weaving on a loom.  The making of textiles was extremely important for women to be successful.  If women were in their homes they were expected to be either taking care of the children, overseeing housework, or making clothes.  A woman who was good at weaving was noted as a good wife, mother and woman in general.
As for today, weaving and spinning seems like it's a lost craft.  Although we rely on textiles for clothing and such, much of it is imported and all we have to do is go buy it in a store.  

I started to wonder... is there something in today's culture that makes a woman 'worthy' of being a good housewife or even woman in general?  


Although weaving and spinning is not seen as a necessary chore for a woman to do, cooking is still a duty left to the mother.  Turn on the tv on in the middle of the day and you will be faced with cooking shows on every other channel.  Women, especially stay-at-home moms, are expected to cook lavish meals for there husbands and kids.  This is why the media purposely airs cooking shows when mothers are most likely to be at home.  
A woman that can cook is a prize to be won nowadays.  Men seek women who can cook a home-made meal.  I recently read an article that stated how most dating websites will give men the option to choose 'a good cook' as a necessary attribute a woman must have in order to date him!


This image depicts a woman seated playing a lyre while her two friends listen.  In ancient Greece women of wealthier families were commonly taught to play instruments to play for their husbands.  Playing an instrument well was yet another attractive trait women could have.  Women who had slaves to do most of their duties had free time and commonly visited other women.  This depiction could represent a simple leisure time amongst friends.  Todays leisure time for women has both similarities and differences.


"Leisure time" now for women usually includes getting together with friends to shop, go out or have a drink or two.  In Greece when women visited their friends they were not allowed to drink, however men visiting other men often led to drinking party's and celebrations where the women were banned.  Times have changed for the better and with women having more rights they are able to lead more independent.  Below is another vase painting of women at a fountain house talking to each other.  Depicting women during their free time became a popular subject matter in vase painting.



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